Why a Brand Logo is important?

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What is a logo? That would be a very lame question to ask, but I prefer to answer that. A logo is nothing but a symbol/icon, a pre-designed mark, adopted by an organization/ entrepreneur, a business coach, or a freelancer to identify their products/ services.

But Saurabh, I am not looking for the definition or I do not want to understand what Logo Design is? Tell me why a brand logo is important if I want to start a business, or if I have an existing business. Isn’t the name itself enough? Do I really need a brand logo?

Well, to be honest if you are thinking to take your business online as per the current situation, which is a world-wide pandemic Covid-19 where most businesses have gone online, you must definitely think about more than just a logo and also see the benefits of it.

In this audio-podcast I am going to share some golden nuggets before you start branding your business or even go for a good logo design. In my last audio-podcast I spoke about 7  Secrets Of Design, you must listen to it and then come back and listen to this audio podcast.
There’s no hard and fast rule over here, but I insist.

So plug in your headphones, earphones or connect to your Bluetooth speakers or any smart device which you can get hooked on to,  go and grab your notepads, a cup of chai/ coffee,  sit in a quiet place, and get ready to make notes.

Ready? Let’s get started.

We all remember the famous brands, Pepsi, KFC, Burger King, Apple, NASA, Google. Imagine they all had only names. No Logo. No Color. No Identity. How would the world even identify them? They are different not just because they chose a different product or a service. They are different because their brand represents something. It means something. All the famous brands out there know a deeper philosophy and apparently most of them function on basic principles which I am going to share with you in this podcast.

Sounds exciting, right. Even I am excited.

No. 1 Eye-Catching

A well-designed logo is the cornerstone of a successful brand and business. Can a logo be simple and eye-catching at the same time?
Hell Yes, it can be. Anything that looks simple today is the result of hard-working artists, designers, freelancers. They have worked on thousands of designs to come out with one simple logo that looks insanely great. So go ahead and spend some time to make a super good looking logo. Seize the attention of your target audience my friend. Seize their attention.


No. 2 First blush

Psychology says that the It takes anywhere from just 17 to 50 milliseconds for people to form a first impression. A strong first impression is the need of the hour. Especially during such times where you have to build a business from home, it is very important to work using a creative approach before you put any visuals or share the same on social media. It has to be impactful & user friendly with the right call to action buttons.


No. 3 Unforgettable

A logo is considered successful when it is desirable, distinctive, and credible in people’s minds. But Saurabh, how do I make my Logo unforgettable. Well, you will have to figure that out all by yourself. Invest time. Read about brands who have been there for decades. Read what they have done for their consumers. See how they operate online. What is their message to their audience? The colors they use. The typography. If required, hire a great design team. It’s an asset. Treat your logo as one of the best in the world that will make a mark and create a huge impact on your target audience. Your logo speaks a lot only when you spend some time with it.


No. 4 Belief

A good story is universal and makes you believe in, or even share it. What is your brand story all about. Can you write a small summary of your logo? The way you tell a story behind it will depend on how your potential prospect will connect. Does it convey loyalty, trust & friendship? Think. Ask your friends/ family. Brainstorm with someone who is creative in your network, generate some ideas and jot them down. Great brands choose one word, and dominate it before launching their products in the market. One word attribution is the key.


No. 5 Superstructure

Which is your favorite brand that you are attached too? That one brand which you end-up buying. Pick 5-10 products in your house. Look at every month’s grocery and pay close attention to a brand that you use every day, every week, every month, every year. Does it ring a bell? Now make a list and google everything about them. Great brands are built on super-solid foundation, they are very clear with their mission, their vision and what they truly stand for.


No. 6 Timeless

Ever seen Coca-Cola’s logo. Their logo has evolved over the years, but its identity is still connected with its unique typography and its current red color. Your audience will age with you, so your brand must appeal to kids and parents alike. Your brand should appeal to the future generations to come. The key principle is “Longevity” – something that exists for a very long time. So make your logo timeless & evergreen.


No. 7 Versatile

We all order food from Zomato. We are so got damn hungry, that we don’t even pay close attention to the boxes that we immediately throw away. You know, there are brands who design them, resize them, replicate, modify just to see that every corner of the packaging is
well designed, they conduct quality checks before it reaches to us. We, their potential customers. Imagine if it was just a plain white box? Would you even care to eat it. Packaging is what increases your trust. Same goes with your brand logo. Your brand logo should be dynamic in nature and yet not loose the visibility during application process. If it looses then you must pay very close attention and change the design strategy to improvise the overall look and feel.


I hope this audio-podcast helps you in creating your own research blueprint before you design your brand.  Also if you find this podcast valuable and if it has impacted your life, don’t forget to give me a thumbs-up, a comment and most importantly share it in your friends and families. Help them. Teach them. Inspire them. Ladies and gentlemen this is Saurabh Hirlekar, your branding & brainstorming partner signing off and I will be back with my next audio-podcast very soon. Stay Safe. Stay Creative. Stay in touch.









6 Responses

  1. Thankyou for this Great and helpful information.Will surely try to
    Incorporate it into my logo .

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